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10000-15000元 珠海金湾区 应届毕业生 本科
中海福陆重工有限公司 2024-09-07 23:24:08
10000-15000元 珠海金湾区 应届毕业生 本科
中海福陆重工有限公司 2024-09-07 23:24:08
1、在专业主管领导下工作,负责制定浮体项目设计方案、完成相关计算分析、编制图纸文件和专题报告等各类技术文件;负责AVEVA MARINE软件二次开发、浮体项目新技术、新设备、新工艺的推广应用;参与采办评标、澄清、厂家资料审查、设备工厂验收和现场验收;参与本专业的业务建设及科研工作。 Work under the leadership of professional supervisors, responsible for formulating the design plan of the floating body project, completing the relevant calculation and analysis, preparing various technical documents such as drawing documents and special reports; Responsible for the secondary development of AVEVA MARINE software, the promotion and application of new technologies, new equipment and new processes for floating body projects; Participate in procurement bid evaluation, clarification, manufacturer data review, equipment factory acceptance and on-site acceptance; Participate in the business construction and scientific research of the major. 2、负责制定浮体项目设计方案、完成相关计算分析、编制图纸文件和专题报告等各类技术文件;Responsible for formulating the design plan of the floating body project, completing the relevant calculation and analysis, preparing various technical documents such as drawing documents and special reports; 3、 负责AVEVA MARINE软件二次开发,根据项目需要定制出图,定制材料统计; Responsible for the secondary development of AVEVA MARINE software, customized drawings and material statistics according to project needs; 4、负责浮体项目新技术、新设备、新工艺的推广应用; Responsible for the promotion and application of new technologies, new equipment and new processes of the floating body project; 5、 参与采办评标、澄清、厂家资料审查、设备工厂验收和现场验收; Participate in procurement bid evaluation, clarification, manufacturer data review, equipment factory acceptance and on-site acceptance; 6、参与完成设施现场调研、厂家技术交流与调研,提供现场施工、系统及设备调试等技术支持;Participate in the completion of on-site research of facilities, technical exchanges and research of manufacturers, and provide technical support such as on-site construction, system and equipment commissioning; 7、参与本专业的业务建设及科研工作; Participate in the business construction and scientific research work of the major; 8、 完成领导安排的其他工作 Complete the temporary work assigned . 岗位要求: 1、大学本科及以上 Bachelor or above 2、船舶工程、海洋工程等相关专业 Major in ship engineering, marine engineering and other related majors. 3、精通所在专业相关知识和技能,熟悉其他专业相关知识;熟悉各类建造用标准、规范、熟悉结构生产设计的关键点和注意事项,熟悉现场施工要求。 Proficient in major discipline knowledge and skills, familiar with the knowledge of other related disciplines. Familiar with all kinds of construction standards, specifications, key points and precautions for structural production design, familiar with on-site construction requirements. 4、工作经验8年以上,浮体项目船体结构生产设计或者详细设计经验5年以上,至少1个浮式风电项目船体生产设计、详细设计结构经验;具备中级工程师以上资格;熟悉现场施工要求,参与过项目的重大、关键技术方案的编辑校审工作。 More than 8 years of work experience, more than 5 years of experience in hull structure production design or detailed design of floating projects, at least 1 experience in hull production design and detailed design structure of floating wind power projects; Intermediate engineer or above; Familiar with the on-site construction requirements, and participated in the editing and review of major and key technical solutions of the project. 5、能够熟练使用AVEVA MARINE等船体三维建模软件,且能够进行二次开发;能够熟练运用各种办公软件,进行相关文件的编辑、整理、汇报和统计工作,英文听说读写,英文可以作为日常办公语言 ,进行有效沟通。Proficient in the use of AVEVA MARINE and other hull 3D modeling software, and able to carry out secondary development; Be proficient in the use of various office software, editing, sorting, reporting and statistical work of relevant documents, listening, speaking, reading and writing in English, English can be used as a daily office language, and communicate effectively.
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